Archive for June, 2015

IMG_9295cThe Republican Party of San Luis Obispo County welcomed Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to their Presidential Speaker Series this week.

1AngryOldLesbian had our own welcome to SLO, the home base of one of our founders – a lovely Welcome Wagon basket for the GOP’s #1 Anti-gay Presidential hopeful filled with loads of gay goodies:


The basket also included our letter to the Senator:





Sadly, both the reporter and the photographer were “otherwise engaged” and missed the Welcome Wagon gifting.

So for that image we are left to our imaginations…



The local San Luis Obispo’s Tribune provided local coverage here.

Our Letter to the Editor (restricted to a max 200 words) concerning Cruz’s visit:

To the Editor:

On Monday I attended the Ted Cruz speech in Nipomo. I was interested in hearing him address his views on LGBTQ and women’s rights, and was planning to deliver a Welcome Wagon-like basket of goodies and invitations to next month’s Pride events.

Since moving to the County in 1994, I consider this my home and think fondly of its people and beautiful environs.  For these reasons, I am concerned when people like Senator Cruz, for their own political gain, rally the electorate with rhetoric inspiring a “us vs them” mentality, which often translates into hate, rather than conversation.

Since Mr. Cruz’s wife was raised in the County, and her parents are still here, I imagine the Senator visits with some regularity, which is different from having another presidential candidate just passing through on a campaign sweep. I do not believe the people of San Luis Obispo County actually hold many of Ted Cruz’s polarizing views, particularly if you go beneath the applause lines.

The New Times of San Luis summed it up best with a snarky editorial that opened:

Where else could a Latino who was born in Canada to a Cuban father who fought alongside Fidel Castro grow up to be an anti-immigration, anti-Communist, science-denying, flag-draped “Christian” American presidential candidate and same-sex marriage opponent?

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